1 | 6,193 | 11,530 | travis-lint | DEPRECATED: Use `travis lint` (from travis gem) instead |
2 | 22,749 | 53,556 | defender | ActiveModel plugin for Defensio. |
3 | 62,650 | 86,038 | rldap | Ruby LDAP wrapper |
4 | 78,992 | 86,038 | travis-saucelabs-api | Ruby client library for the API Travis uses to spin up OS X VMs |
5 | 86,326 | 53,556 | up | Up is a super-simple no-frills static web server. |
6 | 114,779 | 53,556 | krb5 | Kerberos binding for Ruby |
7 | 118,926 | 86,038 | context-io | Ruby wrapper for the context.io API. |
8 | 137,083 | 53,556 | irc-notify | irc-notify is a minimal library for publishing IRC notifications |