Jsgoecke's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
117,05051,488echi-converterProvides a utility to fetch Avaya CMS / ECHI binary files, convert them and insert into...
218,22322,190tropo-webapi-rubyRuby library for interacting with the Tropo Web API via REST & JSON
344,49151,488att_speechA Ruby library for consuming v3 of the AT&T Speech API for speech->text, and text->spee...
447,98251,488smsifiedGem for consuming the SMSified OneAPI
550,96751,488bandwidthMore detail here: https://my.bandwidth.com/portal/apidoc/welcome.htm
663,018129,735pamfaxrRuby library for the FaxJob portion of the PamFax API.
763,302129,735nuanceA Ruby Gem for consuming the Nuance transcription and text to speech REST APIs
877,33151,488adhearsion-imsProvides convenience methods when using Adhearsion with Rayo for IP Multimedia Subsyste...
977,38332,595web-socket-rubyHTML5 Web Socket server/client implementation in Ruby
10115,68051,488earthtoolsdescription of gem
11130,66032,595voxboneRuby library wrapping the Voxbone SOAP API