1 | 17,050 | 51,488 | echi-converter | Provides a utility to fetch Avaya CMS / ECHI binary files, convert them and insert into... |
2 | 18,223 | 22,190 | tropo-webapi-ruby | Ruby library for interacting with the Tropo Web API via REST & JSON |
3 | 44,491 | 51,488 | att_speech | A Ruby library for consuming v3 of the AT&T Speech API for speech->text, and text->spee... |
4 | 47,982 | 51,488 | smsified | Gem for consuming the SMSified OneAPI |
5 | 50,967 | 51,488 | bandwidth | More detail here: https://my.bandwidth.com/portal/apidoc/welcome.htm |
6 | 63,018 | 129,735 | pamfaxr | Ruby library for the FaxJob portion of the PamFax API. |
7 | 63,302 | 129,735 | nuance | A Ruby Gem for consuming the Nuance transcription and text to speech REST APIs |
8 | 77,331 | 51,488 | adhearsion-ims | Provides convenience methods when using Adhearsion with Rayo for IP Multimedia Subsyste... |
9 | 77,383 | 32,595 | web-socket-ruby | HTML5 Web Socket server/client implementation in Ruby |
10 | 115,680 | 51,488 | earthtools | description of gem |
11 | 130,660 | 32,595 | voxbone | Ruby library wrapping the Voxbone SOAP API |