Devotee's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
115,88716,425right-railsRightRails is a RubyOnRails plugin for the RightJS JavaScript framework. It has transpa...
252,83523,996under-osA web-broser like wrapper over iOS
356,60597,623bowerifyBower components handler for sprockets
468,82028,607x-ray-machineBetter instrumentation/logging utility for Rails
571,92745,453save-your-doshThis gem can automatically scale the dynos amount on your heroku app depending on your ...
674,08097,623minitest-mustwontedProvides a new unversal and esily extendable matchers engine
779,38853,034sweet-loggerBetterer Rails logger that handles multi-threading well
883,62097,623front-compilerFrontCompiler is a Ruby based JavaScript/CSS/HTML compressor. It provides the basic Jav...
989,60637,474under-os-sharingThe interapps content sharing API for UnderOS. FTW
1091,20297,623git-wayback-machineWayback machine to navigate GIT log, for real!
1197,93359,805pentixA simple demo project for the Gosu gem
12105,67497,623jazzup-your-railsJazz Up Your Rails App
13115,11459,805presentifyTurns a folder with ruby files into a CLI presentation. For real.
14133,73174,886osom-tablesFancy ajax tables engine that fits rails infrastructure
15140,15359,805under-os-coreThe core part of the UnderOs project
16140,89997,623db-nukerAn awesome db nuker
17141,22859,805under-os-uiThe UI magic part of the UnderOs project
18141,25759,805totally-osom-testsIt's gonna be totally awesome!
19141,83159,805under-os-httpThe HTTP stack for the UnderOs project
20142,90459,805under-os-cropThe images crop UI for UnderOS
21144,45259,805under-os-imageThe images handling API for UnderOS
22155,58174,886ruby-fighterAn example of the usage of the Gosu library with Ruby
23156,73597,623git-rainbowA git extension that makes rainbows. Like totally!
24157,62159,805totally-awesome-testsLike totally awesome testing framework. Did I mention "totally" already?