1 | 15,887 | 16,425 | right-rails | RightRails is a RubyOnRails plugin for the RightJS JavaScript framework. It has transpa... |
2 | 52,835 | 23,996 | under-os | A web-broser like wrapper over iOS |
3 | 56,605 | 97,623 | bowerify | Bower components handler for sprockets |
4 | 68,820 | 28,607 | x-ray-machine | Better instrumentation/logging utility for Rails |
5 | 71,927 | 45,453 | save-your-dosh | This gem can automatically scale the dynos amount on your heroku app depending on your ... |
6 | 74,080 | 97,623 | minitest-mustwonted | Provides a new unversal and esily extendable matchers engine |
7 | 79,388 | 53,034 | sweet-logger | Betterer Rails logger that handles multi-threading well |
8 | 83,620 | 97,623 | front-compiler | FrontCompiler is a Ruby based JavaScript/CSS/HTML compressor. It provides the basic Jav... |
9 | 89,606 | 37,474 | under-os-sharing | The interapps content sharing API for UnderOS. FTW |
10 | 91,202 | 97,623 | git-wayback-machine | Wayback machine to navigate GIT log, for real! |
11 | 97,933 | 59,805 | pentix | A simple demo project for the Gosu gem |
12 | 105,674 | 97,623 | jazzup-your-rails | Jazz Up Your Rails App |
13 | 115,114 | 59,805 | presentify | Turns a folder with ruby files into a CLI presentation. For real. |
14 | 133,731 | 74,886 | osom-tables | Fancy ajax tables engine that fits rails infrastructure |
15 | 140,153 | 59,805 | under-os-core | The core part of the UnderOs project |
16 | 140,899 | 97,623 | db-nuker | An awesome db nuker |
17 | 141,228 | 59,805 | under-os-ui | The UI magic part of the UnderOs project |
18 | 141,257 | 59,805 | totally-osom-tests | It's gonna be totally awesome! |
19 | 141,831 | 59,805 | under-os-http | The HTTP stack for the UnderOs project |
20 | 142,904 | 59,805 | under-os-crop | The images crop UI for UnderOS |
21 | 144,452 | 59,805 | under-os-image | The images handling API for UnderOS |
22 | 155,581 | 74,886 | ruby-fighter | An example of the usage of the Gosu library with Ruby |
23 | 156,735 | 97,623 | git-rainbow | A git extension that makes rainbows. Like totally! |
24 | 157,621 | 59,805 | totally-awesome-tests | Like totally awesome testing framework. Did I mention "totally" already? |