Josevalim's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
169i18nNew wave Internationalization support for Ruby.
2147169respondersA set of Rails responders to dry up your application
3162185wardenAn authentication library compatible with all Rack-based frameworks
4171186deviseFlexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden
5175192orm_adapterProvides a single point of entry for using basic features of ruby ORMs
6397275faraday-http-cacheMiddleware to handle HTTP caching
7528812simple_formForms made easy!
87871,061has_scopeMaps controller filters to your resource scopes
98831,232inherited_resourcesInherited Resources speeds up development by making your controllers inherit all restfu...
101,8001,796devise-encryptableEncryption solution for salted-encryptors on Devise
114,1184,210mail_formSend e-mail straight from forms in Rails with I18n, validations, attachments and reques...
125,0458,703rails-footnotesEvery Rails page has footnotes that gives information about your application and links ...
136,8386,459show_forWrap your objects with a helper to easily show them
147,78412,619markerbMultipart templates made easy with Markdown + ERb
158,52127,598remarkableRemarkable: a framework for rspec matchers, with support to macros and I18n.
169,39222,754remarkable_activerecordRemarkable ActiveRecord: collection of matchers and macros with I18n for ActiveRecord
1711,97027,598remarkable_railsRemarkable Rails: collection of matchers and macros with I18n for Rails
1817,94340,310enginexCreates a Rails 3 engine with Rakefile, Gemfile and running tests
1918,08140,310strobeThe client library for deploying applications to Strobe's HTML5 deployment platform
2033,30640,310hermesA few testing facilities built on top of Capybara and ActiveSupport::TestCase
2162,85540,310textmateCommand-line textmate package manager
2280,12240,310hurley-http-cacheHurley connection to handle HTTP caching
23115,04340,310easy_http_cacheAllows Rails applications to use HTTP cache specifications easily.
24116,16340,310rails_metricsMetrics measurement for your app on top of ActiveSupport::Notifications
25117,74027,598actionformAn alternative layer to accepts_nested_attributes_for by using Form Models.