Cjheath's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1410893polyglotThe Polyglot library allows a Ruby module to register a loader for the file type associ...
24301,397treetopA Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG) Parser generator DSL for Ruby
31,3381,434geoipGeoIP searches a GeoIP database for a given host or IP address, and returns information...
411,37461,367activefactsActiveFacts provides the Constellation Query Language (CQL), a fact modeling and query ...
512,14861,367activefacts-apiThe ActiveFacts API is a Ruby DSL for managing constellations of elementary facts. Each...
624,39661,367activefacts-metamodelCore meta-model for fact-based models (schema). This gem provides the core representati...
725,60861,367activefacts-compositionsCreate and represent composite schemas, schema transforms and data transforms over a fa...
836,72961,367activefacts-cqlCompiler for the Constellation Query Language, part of the ActiveFacts suite for Fact M...
937,73961,367sinatra_omniauthThis Sinatra extension, derived from omniauth_pure by Marcus Proske, adds OmniAuth auth...
1045,42161,367activefacts-generatorsCode generators for the ActiveFacts Fact Modeling suite, including the Constellation Qu...
1150,51241,086tracingEnable tracing by setting the TRACE environment variable to a list of the names of trac...
1252,52841,086activefacts-ormORM format importer for the ActiveFacts fact modeling suite. Install the Natural ORM Ar...
1362,10761,367activefacts-examplesExample models in the Constellation Query Language for use with ActiveFacts
1464,72461,367bayeux-rackBayeux (COMET or long-polling) protocol server as a Sinatra application. Light weight a...
1566,24661,367activefacts-rmapRelational mapping for fact models. Part of the ActiveFacts suite.
1678,53261,367blogicalBlogical is a Sinatra-based micro-blogging engine that requires no database support
1782,91461,367chattrMethods for defining type-checked arrays and attributes
1894,40861,367wbxmlThe Wbxml library wraps libwbxml to enable handling WBXML, a binary representation of X...
19101,30041,086facetiousFaceted search DSL for ActiveRecord using SQL features
20130,23961,367date-constructorDate and DateTime don't have sensible constructors. You can't construct one using an ex...
21132,89561,367foreigner-sqlserverAdd SQL Server support to foreigner