Andrewo's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
136,64518,158ruby-debug-pryPry is a featureful REPL that looks like it can work nicely with ruby-debug. This gem a...
269,05463,432classy_casClassyCAS provides private, centralized, cross-domain, platform-agnostic centralized au...
385,46663,432yard-blameWho wrote that code? When? Why? Theses are all things we often ask when reading documen...
489,38330,305dbuddyA small script to watch over bunches of raw SQL files and load them on changes. Or just...
5102,36463,432curryerCurrying + Delegation = Curryer
6104,96663,432minitest-checkGenerative testing for Minitest.
7119,85863,432hbase-thriftThe barebones Thrift interface for HBase allowing anyone to create higher level HBase l...
8122,25563,432hbase-adapterWrapping up all of that HBase Thrift stuff so you can use it.
9130,00163,432literate_rubyLiterate Ruby is a small preprocessor that allows embedding code within text files and ...
10132,59841,916ruby_prof-jsonIf you need to process results from a profiling session, JSON is a good place to start.
11140,72241,916rack-multitenantRack middleware for scoping requests and sharing accounts.