Tickettoaster's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
114,1848,631tabulatr2A tight DSL to build tables of ActiveRecord models with sorting, pagination, finding/fi...
217,27918,600konto_checkCheck whether a certain bic/account-no-combination or an IBAN can possibly be valid, ge...
325,86023,497tabulatrA tight DSL to build tables of ActiveRecord or Mongoid models with sorting, pagination,...
454,64160,424provideal-migration-helpersAdds foreign key support for MySQL and PostgreSQL in Rails migrations
560,77370,697provideal-plugin-utilsA small collection of utilities to deal with assets bundled within Rails plugins/engines.
673,57784,840whiny_hashA Hash that complains a lot -- used to simplify optional parameters. WhinyHash instance...
774,88670,697medianMedian is a simple Ruby API wrapper for the Library System Aleph and the Discovery Tool...
879,999136,377acts_as_inheritance_rootUsing PostgreSQL table inheritance with Rails
987,913105,358id_stuffera way to efficiently store ids (i.e., possibly sequential numbers > 0), well suited for...
1099,51684,840settrSettr is a hierarchical key-value based storage for configuration settings in Rails apps
11129,814105,358meta_typesDB-Configurable type description. Uses hstore on the models. A demo app is running at h...
12131,370105,358time_periodStore time periods as "1 week" or "2 months" in a single column, with reasonable simple...