1 | 138 | 142 | selenium-webdriver | Selenium implements the W3C WebDriver protocol to automate popular browsers.
It aim... |
2 | 143 | 321 | childprocess | This gem aims at being a simple and reliable solution for controlling external programs... |
3 | 2,511 | 3,040 | har | Ruby library to work with HTTP archives |
4 | 2,515 | 3,037 | jschematic | JSON Schema v3 Validator |
5 | 2,824 | 7,108 | watir-webdriver | WebDriver-backed Watir |
6 | 3,243 | 3,060 | browsermob-proxy | Ruby client for the BrowserMob and BrowserUp Proxy REST API |
7 | 5,426 | 7,036 | ffi-icu | Provides charset detection, locale sensitive collation and more. Depends on libicu. |
8 | 5,531 | 9,873 | celerity | Celerity is a JRuby wrapper around HtmlUnit â a headless Java browser with JavaScript... |
9 | 7,158 | 10,877 | cukeforker | Library to maintain a forking queue of Cucumber processes, with optional VNC displays. |
10 | 7,526 | 27,573 | vnctools | Simple CLI wrappers to control and record VNC displays from Ruby. |
11 | 12,988 | 78,154 | hdo-storting-importer | Gem to process data from data.stortinget.no |
12 | 16,238 | 23,367 | webidl | Built on Treetop, this gem will parse interface declarations in WebIDL and generate rub... |
13 | 17,767 | 14,938 | bamboo-client | Ruby client for Atlassian Bamboo's REST APIs |
14 | 18,657 | 78,154 | stash-client | Atlassian Stash Client |
15 | 18,884 | 20,644 | ffi-xattr | Manipulate extended file attributes |
16 | 28,359 | 20,644 | conf | Simple configuraton library that supports inheritance. |
17 | 29,193 | 20,644 | cuketagger | batch tagging of cucumber features and scenarios |
18 | 40,151 | 78,154 | jstd-runner | Runs a JsTestDriver server + browsers with some built-in monitoring |
19 | 51,956 | 78,154 | loadable_component | Ruby implementation of http://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/LoadableComponent |
20 | 64,621 | 78,154 | cukeq | Cucumber features distributed using AMQP. |
21 | 66,297 | 39,550 | emma | CLI wrapper for the Emma Java library http://emma.sourceforge.net/ |
22 | 67,613 | 78,154 | zendesk-tools | Tools for FINNs ZenDesk |
23 | 75,054 | 39,550 | ffi-sybase | Ruby/FFI bindings for Sybase's Open Client library. |
24 | 77,596 | 78,154 | rps | ps for Ruby processes |
25 | 95,171 | 78,154 | maven_pom | Tiny library to work with Maven's pom.xml files from Ruby. |
26 | 98,524 | 78,154 | rbcluster | This gem provides a Ruby extension to the clustering routines in the C Clustering Libra... |
27 | 120,676 | 57,499 | gemrepo | A simple gem server that supports gem push / install. |
28 | 127,743 | 78,154 | nativedriver | Ruby bindings for NativeDriver |