1 | 6,909 | 11,910 | wice_grid | A Rails grid plugin to create grids with sorting, pagination, and filters generated aut... |
2 | 18,770 | 86,038 | translations_sync | Synchronizes the different locales represeinted in yaml for I18n |
3 | 20,980 | 53,556 | active_record_model_and_rspec_enhanced_templates | ActiveRecord generator and RSpec templates that add some basic functionality to the mod... |
4 | 20,999 | 86,038 | rspec_rails_scaffold_templates | RSpec scaffold generator templates that use FactoryGirl and WiceGrid |
5 | 29,913 | 17,852 | jbuilder_rspec_generator | Generates RSpecs for jbuilder templates |
6 | 35,718 | 18,833 | i18n_scaffold_controller_template | Scaffold controller template expoiting i18n and aware of cancan and WiceGrid |
7 | 36,140 | 86,038 | factory_girl_fixtures_template | FactoryGirl template that behave more smart than standard one |
8 | 39,687 | 31,663 | advanced_haml_scaffold_generator | Extention of the haml generator that generates templates with the use of i18n, cancan a... |
9 | 51,086 | 24,968 | i18n_scaffold_generator | Generates translation file in /config/locales for the scafolding model and for the cont... |
10 | 128,581 | 21,532 | graphiti_scaffold_generator | The graphiti gem has no support for scaffold generator.
This gem fiexes the problem. Wh... |
11 | 157,390 | 86,038 | pundit_scaffold_generator | When your project uses pundit gem for authorization this gem generates
the code for /po... |