1 | 41,805 | 13,614 | liquid-validations | ActiveRecord style validations for Liquid content in your ActiveRecord models. See the ... |
2 | 60,683 | 63,432 | acts-as-taggable-on-for-domains | Same as ActsAsTaggableOn but tagging happens within the context of a domain id. This me... |
3 | 69,763 | 63,432 | chargify_api | A better Chargify API wrapper, |
4 | 79,677 | 63,432 | business_rules | Define business rules dynamically on your model objects. |
5 | 92,087 | 63,432 | feed_cache | A thin wrapper over Feedzirra with injected caching |
6 | 110,559 | 63,432 | better_delegation | Calling a delegated method on a nil object with better_delegation won't just return nil... |
7 | 121,851 | 63,432 | kajabi-css_parser | A set of classes for parsing CSS in Ruby. |