1 | 229 | 346 | haml | An elegant, structured (X)HTML/XML templating engine. |
2 | 311 | 282 | babosa | A library for creating slugs. Babosa an extraction and improvement of the
string co... |
3 | 883 | 1,037 | friendly_id | FriendlyId is the "Swiss Army bulldozer" of slugging and permalink plugins for Active R... |
4 | 1,142 | 2,086 | html2haml | Converts HTML into Haml |
5 | 1,920 | 1,453 | unicode | Unicode normalization library. |
6 | 3,990 | 5,669 | unidecoder | A port of Perl's Unidecoder to Ruby. Transliterates Unicode strings to an ASCII approxi... |
7 | 6,041 | 7,736 | ambry | Ambry is not an ORM, man! It's a database and ORM replacement for (mostly)
static m... |
8 | 6,568 | 8,878 | friendly_id-globalize | Adds Globalize support to the FriendlyId gem. |
9 | 8,963 | 12,919 | utf8_utils | Utilities for cleaning up UTF8 strings. Compatible with Ruby 1.8.6 - 1.9.x |
10 | 9,020 | 10,738 | rets | [](http://... |
11 | 9,359 | 12,102 | haml-contrib | Addons for the Ruby implementation of the Haml template language. |
12 | 14,333 | 10,947 | squirm_rails | "Squirm facilitates using Postgres stored procedures with Active Record." |
13 | 17,284 | 16,743 | squirm | "Squirm is an anti-ORM for database-loving programmers" |
14 | 18,395 | 22,633 | disqus | Integrates Disqus into your Ruby-powered site. Works with any Ruby website, and has vie... |
15 | 19,197 | 29,727 | has_image | Has_image is a Ruby on Rails gem/plugin that allows you to attach images to Active Reco... |
16 | 31,675 | 97,080 | fatalistic | Active Record provides "optimistic" and "pessimistic" modules for row-level
locking, bu... |
17 | 42,517 | 34,617 | phonology | A phonology library for Ruby. |
18 | 54,235 | 43,535 | friendly_id4 | FriendlyId is the "Swiss Army bulldozer" of slugging and permalink plugins
for Ruby... |
19 | 55,155 | 97,080 | haml_scaffold | Rails scaffolding with Haml rather than ERB, and various other improvements. |
20 | 55,238 | 53,263 | spanish | A Spanish phonology, orthography and grammar library for Ruby. |
21 | 84,188 | 77,965 | monark | A simple migrator/seeder |
22 | 108,528 | 97,080 | seeding_utils | Seeding Utils for Postgres. |
23 | 113,978 | 77,965 | hash_formatter | Hash Formatter is a library that formats Ruby hashes for code editors. |
24 | 116,154 | 97,080 | express | Express generates a slimmed-down Rails application that leaves out anything not
urgentl... |
25 | 120,620 | 117,678 | gem_init | This is the code I use to set up a new Ruby Gem. |
26 | 120,663 | 117,678 | friendly_id_sequel | An adapter for using Sequel::Model with FriendlyId. |
27 | 129,612 | 117,678 | norman | Norman is not an ORM, man! It's a database and ORM replacement for (mostly)
static ... |
28 | 130,763 | 97,080 | nt54 | Provides Argentine phone number parsing, validation, formatting and meta-information. |
29 | 132,896 | 117,678 | squirm_model | "Squirm is an anti-ORM for database-loving programmers" |
30 | 156,490 | 117,678 | micro_factory | A bare-minimum factory library for Actie Record. |
31 | 171,028 | 77,965 | arcopy | Dump and load relational objects between Ruby environments. |