1 | 31,889 | 53,556 | community_engine | CommunityEngine is a free, open-source social network platform for Ruby on Rails applic... |
2 | 70,853 | 86,038 | bborn-acts-as-taggable-on | With ActsAsTaggableOn, you can tag a single model on several contexts, such as skills, ... |
3 | 71,866 | 86,038 | bborn-acts_as_taggable_on_steroids | Rails plugin that is based on acts_as_taggable by jviney that is based on acts_as_tagga... |
4 | 79,846 | 86,038 | bborn-simplepay | This gem provides a Rails interface to the Amazon Simple Pay payment service. |
5 | 109,646 | 86,038 | bborn-desert | Desert is a component framework for Rails that allows your plugins to be packaged as mi... |
6 | 180,586 | 53,556 | omniauth-threads | Threads OAuth2 Strategy for OmniAuth |