Mikemondragon's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,81835,677allisonA modern, pretty RDoc template.
29,53422,467mms2rMMS2R is a library that decodes the parts of a MMS message to disk while stripping out ...
310,92428,543raspellAn interface binding for the Aspell spelling checker.
418,46159,086fftw3Gem version of T. Horinouchi's ruby-fftw3.
529,02359,086impostorimPOSTor posts messages to forums == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: Makes automated posts to the ...
635,47428,543sweeperAutomatically tag your music collection with metadata from Last.fm.
738,46459,086blackbook== DESCRIPTION: Blackbook automates the nitty-gritty of importing contacts from variou...
844,36859,086is_it_mobileSimply determines if a user agent is for a mobile device.
947,52735,677capgunRuby wrapper for the capgun.io web thumb service API
1053,49059,086rvA little init.d system for running Camping apps.
1162,16259,086quartermasterA collection of shortcuts and helpers for leveraging a request's env in Rails, such as ...
1263,49835,677festivaltts4rText-to-speech for Ruby using festivaltts. Provides two new methods for String: to_spee...
1369,06535,677shadowA zero-configuration RESTful ActiveRecord server.
1479,16259,086benchmark_unitMachine-independent benchmark assertions for your unit tests.
15108,14759,086imageImage, a small image processing library
16106,71550,639malicemalice, a small, malicious library
17122,84559,086monde-paperclipFile attachments as attributes for ActiveRecord
18125,94259,086twistTwist - Log your system activity to Twitter.
19126,77759,086harkhark.com is a site that publishes movie quote sound bites and stil...