Mytrile's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18061,198opentracingOpenTracing Ruby Platform API
236,70351,220backgemBack up your installed gems list into a file/gist
356,24651,220redcar_pluginSimple command-line utility to help you install,update and delete redcar plugins
460,02429,512bank_account_toolsBank account tools for dealing with IBANs/BICs: information, validation and formatting.
566,49351,220kinataKinata is simple gem for getting info about cinemas in Sofia
684,81820,837sugarcrm_empA less clunky way to interact with SugarCRM via REST.
789,74351,220markyMarky is a simple wrapper for converting strings/text to html using different markdown ...
892,73151,220gemfile19Simple command line tool for checking gems in your Gemfile for Ruby 1.9 compatability
995,42651, API Ruby wrapper
10133,48251,220leakedinLinkedIn password hacked checker
11153,22851,220ext_checkExtCheck provides rails task for checking for C extensions
12166,65151,220validates_iban_format_ofValidate iban