Yannlugrin's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,9612,839guard-bundlerGuard::Bundler automatically install/update your gem bundle when needed
22,2982,398guard-minitestGuard::Minitest automatically run your tests with Minitest framework (much like autotest)
312,78534,713guard-nanocAutomatically rebuilds Nanoc sites
426,12719,712capdrupalA set of tasks for deploying Drupal 9, Drupal 8 and Drupal 7 projects with Capistrano a...
555,99185,863nanoc-filesystem-i18nI18n filesystem based data source for nanoc. Compatible with nanoc 3 and default filesy...
665,57985,863nanoc-sprockets-filterA nanoc filter to use Sprockets, a Ruby library for compiling and serving web assets.
778,83142,915capistrano-git-pushA capistrano git strategy to deploy local repository by git push
8113,89885,863rspec-factory-girlRspec matcher collection for testing your model built with factory girl
9122,20885,863jspec-jquery-sandboxa window sandbox for jQuery application testing with jSpec
10124,18385,863tserverA persistant multithread TCP server
11126,24785,863nanoc-gzip-filterA nanoc filter to gzip content
12134,79385,863rctlrctl let you start and stop your service stack in one command.
13156,98785,863factory-girl-matchersMaking easy to validate your factories created with Factory Girl