1 | 6 | 6 | i18n | New wave Internationalization support for Ruby. |
2 | 334 | 634 | redis-store | Namespaced Rack::Session, Rack::Cache, I18n and cache Redis stores for Ruby web framewo... |
3 | 355 | 850 | redis-rack | Redis Store for Rack applications |
4 | 363 | 847 | redis-actionpack | Redis session store for ActionPack. Used for storing the Rails session in Redis. |
5 | 436 | 523 | ransack | Ransack is the successor to the MetaSearch gem. It improves and expands upon MetaSearch... |
6 | 458 | 1,369 | redis-activesupport | Redis store for ActiveSupport |
7 | 542 | 1,594 | redis-rails | Redis for Ruby on Rails |
8 | 714 | 745 | paranoia | Paranoia is a re-implementation of acts_as_paranoid for Rails 5, 6, and 7,
using mu... |
9 | 741 | 571 | uuid | UUID generator for producing universally unique identifiers based on RFC 4122
(http://w... |
10 | 882 | 1,649 | haml-rails | Haml-rails provides Haml generators for Rails 5. It also enables Haml as the templating... |
11 | 1,035 | 2,678 | polyamorous | This is just an extraction from Ransack/Squeel. You probably don't want to use this
... |
12 | 1,789 | 2,202 | humanize | Extension to Numeric to humanize numbers |
13 | 2,807 | 4,429 | redis-rack-cache | A Redis backend store for Rack::Cache |
14 | 2,970 | 3,443 | dotiw | dotiw is a gem for Rails that overrides the
default distance_of_time_in_w... |
15 | 3,227 | 7,061 | squeel | Squeel unlocks the power of Arel in your Rails application with
a handy block-bas... |
16 | 5,553 | 4,331 | by_star | ActiveRecord and Mongoid extension for easier date scopes and time ranges |
17 | 6,398 | 4,863 | nested_layouts | Plugin allows to specify outer layouts for particular layout thus creating nested layouts. |
18 | 6,478 | 2,713 | omniauth-lightspeed | OmniAuth strategy for Lightspeed. |
19 | 8,765 | 16,714 | spree_promo | Required dependency for Spree |
20 | 8,779 | 18,028 | spree_dash | Required dependency for Spree |
21 | 10,497 | 8,834 | spree_i18n | Provides locale information for use in Spree. |
22 | 21,364 | 54,620 | lookup | Lazy man's RI |
23 | 21,402 | 21,695 | ordinalize | Generates long winded string versions of numbers, ordinalized |
24 | 21,986 | 54,620 | octopi | A Ruby interface to GitHub API v2 |
25 | 32,694 | 14,779 | redis-store-testing | redis-store testing |
26 | 34,468 | 54,620 | forem-redcarpet | Provides Recarpet markup (with syntax highlighting by pygments.rb) for Forem posts |
27 | 37,268 | 54,620 | houser | Lightweight multitenancy gem. |
28 | 41,082 | 54,620 | searcher | Label-based straight-SQL searcher |
29 | 68,253 | 54,620 | log15 | Structured logging. |
30 | 86,391 | 54,620 | find_by_hash | Extension to ActiveRecord to allow you to do findy-thingies with hashes |
31 | 91,532 | 28,870 | radar-webrat | Webrat lets you quickly write expressive and robust acceptance tests
for a Ruby web app... |
32 | 97,664 | 36,248 | just | For when you want your aliases but you're using someone else's computer. |
33 | 100,259 | 54,620 | stacked | Ruby wrapper for the Stack Overflow API |
34 | 101,648 | 54,620 | forem | The best Rails 3 forum engine in the world. |
35 | 115,928 | 54,620 | sri | Generate an SRI (Sub-Resource Integrity) Hash |
36 | 116,559 | 54,620 | foodie | For food |
37 | 117,888 | 54,620 | forem-rdiscount | Provides RDiscount markup for Forem posts |
38 | 122,461 | 36,248 | response_logger | Logs responses of Net::HTTP requests |
39 | 122,841 | 36,248 | radar-dnssd | DNS Service Discovery (aka Bonjour) API for Ruby 1.9 |
40 | 125,929 | 54,620 | spec-bench | Benchmarks your code through RSpec automated testing |
41 | 127,928 | 54,620 | ticketee-forem | Insert Forem description. |
42 | 164,922 | 54,620 | jot-helpers | Provides helper methods for working with JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) |