Shyouhei's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,85657,505ruby-uuidUUID generator/parser in <300 lines. It fully supports UUID versions 1, 3, 4 and 5.
216,06722,984envfileThe `envfile(1)` program is a program to run another program; much like `sudo(1)` ...
317,02130,732tengine_supporttengine_support provides utility classes/modules which is not included in active_suppor...
424,30217,200data-validatorfor gfx fan and xaicron fan
543,45117,200xmp2assertIn ruby we use `# =>` as a comment marker that mean the immediately adjacent express...
656,99115,664RFC7159A JSON parser/generator that conforms (I believe) to RFC7159 "The JavaScript Object Not...
761,41857,505tengine_rails_plugintengine_rails_plugin supports the use of tengine in Rails application.
873,33722,984nfreezeAdds two methods, thaw and nfreeze, into Marshal module, so that your program can...
977,40730,732sized_parallel`make -j4` -like parallel execution
1096,42619,502crypt_checkpassCheck password hash, like OpenBSD's crypt_checkpass(3) / PHP's password_verify()
11102,70630,732open-temporaryA variation of tempfile standard lib, that actually creates a File instance.
12105,18422,984match_atimplements String#match_at
13112,27657,505javascriptreBelieve it or not this is a ECMA-262 edition 5.1 -compatible Regular Expression parser ...
14114,50730,732space_observatoryPure-ruby Minimal-overhead Drop-in probe to ObjectSpace.
15127,45930,732RFC8259A JSON parser/generator that conforms (I believe) to RFC8259 "The JavaScript Object Not...
16135,11330,732consttime_memequalWrapper to OS-provided timing-safe memory comparison.
17169,57657,505explicit_bzeroruby already has explicit_bzero, why not use it.