#2718's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,3952,210todSupplies TimeOfDay and Shift class that includes parsing, strftime, comparison, and ari...
26,3084,786surusSurus accelerates ActiveRecord with PostgreSQL specific types and f...
312,30611,682edgeGraph functionality for ActiveRecord
414,6879,821command_modelCommandModel - when update_attributes isn't enough.
557,68661,367ternManages schemas with views, functions, triggers along with traditional migrations
682,83261,367text_tunnelUse your local text editor to edit files on remote servers.
783,77961,367testamentTime, record, and analyze test runs
889,17825,716meta_enumFriendly enum type system
990,96261,367range_component_attributesSplits database ranges into lower and upper attributes in ActiveRecord
10109,96361,367assert_db_rejectsTest database level constraints with ActiveRecord
11119,78661,367doublecheck_viewTest doublecheck views with ActiveRecord
12178,94041,086extidIt can be valuable to internally use a serial integer as an ID without revealing that I...