1 | 10,010 | 8,155 | warden-rspec-rails | Rails controller spec helpers for warden. |
2 | 12,726 | 8,842 | mongoid-pagination | A simple pagination module for Mongoid |
3 | 16,200 | 42,025 | bank_lookup | Lookup bank names by routing number. |
4 | 20,897 | 86,038 | bldr | Provides a simple and intuitive templating DSL for serializing objects to JSON. |
5 | 27,110 | 86,038 | bunyan | Bunyan is a thin ruby wrapper around a MongoDB capped collection, created with high-per... |
6 | 43,360 | 42,025 | failsafe | Tiny little library for silently handling errors so they don't interrupt program flow. |
7 | 46,676 | 86,038 | rack-request-profiler | Provides a framework for sending wall time statistics to external services, such as sta... |
8 | 61,975 | 86,038 | optimis-workflow-scripts | Scripts include git workflow scripts that integrate with pivotal tracker. |
9 | 63,778 | 86,038 | campfire-notifier | See github page. |
10 | 75,569 | 35,920 | papermill-agent | The client agent for papermillapp.com |
11 | 75,981 | 86,038 | ajsharp-sinatra-respond_to | A respond_to style Rails block for baked-in web service support in Sinatra |
12 | 76,722 | 53,556 | zaarly-urbanairship | Urbanairship is a Ruby library for interacting with the Urbanairship (http://urbanairsh... |
13 | 76,861 | 86,038 | rack-key_value_logger | Structured, key-value logging for your rack apps. Inspired by lograge. |
14 | 78,072 | 86,038 | passenger_mon | When you need to control the memory footprint of your passenger processes |
15 | 81,397 | 35,920 | ideapad | Tiny utility for keeping track of ideas. |
16 | 92,974 | 86,038 | request_lumberjack | A simple request logger to be used with Rails and other Rack apps. |
17 | 97,147 | 86,038 | mongo_utils | A collection of utilities for working with MongoDB. |
18 | 118,384 | 86,038 | em-stathat | Essentially a clone of the normal stathat gem, only for use with EventMachine. |
19 | 118,760 | 86,038 | bucketeer | Utility to assist with bucketing data |
20 | 119,354 | 53,556 | zaarly-sinatra-sprockets | Use Sprockets effectively with Sinatra. |