Matsadler's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,7787,689http_toolsA fast-as-possible pure Ruby HTTP parser plus associated lower level utilities to aid w...
217,29563,432eventsThe Events::Emitter mixin provides a clone of the Node.js EventEmitter API for Ruby.
330,91163,432ahoyServerless Messaging using DNSDS/mDNS, XMPP, and Ruby
448,04063,432nagios_configRead and write Nagios config files from Ruby
551,16263,432tubeA simple Ruby library to access the status of the London Underground network.
656,61641,916data_cleanerA Ruby library to aid in removing sensitive data from objects
759,06863,432haltonA module implementing the fast generation of Halton sequences. The method of generation...
881,45163,432tracksA bare-bones Ruby HTTP server that talks Rack and uses a thread per connection model of...
990,08130,305rack-asyncThin's asynchronous API available to any Rack server.
10125,20363,432terminal_colorA tiny Ruby library for colorizing terminal output.
11129,13263,432launch_tracksAutomaticlly start Rack applications on demand using launchd.
12131,32941,916rack-idleAutomatically shutdown idle Rack servers.