Joe-sixpack's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
116,54961,367applixApplixHash#from_argv builds hashes from ARGV like argument vectors according to fol...
232,36061,367gom-corethis gem includes stuff which is of use for the server as well as for gom scripting...
339,54061,367gom-scriptgom-script script simplifies coding of clients and daemon which like to listen on s...
442,34661,367rfid-usb-gom-sensorAs an alternative to the gesture driven content selection on the wall guests may ...
549,87261,367klearcreate and manage choreographies for motors and lights on the Manta Rhei. klear is ...
653,92061,367gom-sensor-portsImplements a gateway server to allow barebone basic sensor components to report sta...
762,99761,367tg-can-controls-gatewayto be written
871,18161,367gom-clientREST client for the gom HTTP API
972,99623,402mssql_mysql_migratorSequel is used for reading and CSV for bulk uploading.
1086,73661,367e-meter-gom-daemonPeriodically polling the t-gallery e-meter and updating its GOM sensor node accor...
1192,37661,367ascii-trackerkeeping track of time in a textfile. now web app, no mouse clicking. No GUI is as e...
12128,42261,367ac-loggerBesides log levels, callstack you get easy parsable time stamps, log level marker and s...
13128,71661,367usb-detection-sensorDetect USB devices when being connected and update a GOM sensor node accordingly....
14151,71461,367rubyserial-with-blockingFFI Ruby library for RS-232 serial port communication