1 | 80,746 | 98,854 | shared_tests | Assert shared behavior of objects easily using: assert_shared_tests :of => :some_shared... |
2 | 87,468 | 98,854 | seo_landing_pages | Create landing pages matching your pages, and manage their title, description and keywo... |
3 | 119,499 | 53,627 | rails_ab_test | A/B Tests in Rails done using small helpers and patterns. |
4 | 134,429 | 98,854 | redis_feed | A minimal feed using redis |
5 | 148,242 | 98,854 | vhs | Intelligent handling of VCR cassettes to automatically record and replay all API calls ... |
6 | 162,544 | 76,195 | html_meta_tags | Manage HTML meta tags in rails admin area to improve SEO, manage their i18n title, desc... |
7 | 177,664 | 46,296 | api-clients | API clients for tools like Cortex, Mend, Sonarqube to decorate projects with repository... |