Bumi's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,88612,946birthdayBirthday gem creates convienent methods for date and datetime fields in ActiveRecord, m...
28,34410,496cmxlCmxl provides an friendly, extensible and customizable parser for the MT940 bank statem...
323,49861,367validation_ragelog active model validation errors to get better insights in the usability of your forms
428,46010,745lnrpcgRPC service definitions for the Lightning Network Daemon (lnd) gRPC interface packed a...
531,23841,086httparty_soberCache responses in HTTParty using APICache
639,16061,367railslove_deployThe Railslove deploy gem is a collection of sprinkle and capistrano recipes to setup yo...
740,06661,367frecklyWrapper for Freckle
842,50721,627mobiloveUse mobilove to send text messages with Ruby. Account on mobilant.de required.
948,57413,858lnurlA collection of tools to work with LNURLs - the protocol for interaction between Lightn...
1052,07161,367isbumiawake-chefChef Handler to notify isbumiawake to track if the peritically chef run is running
1156,00361,367find_by_paramfind_by_param is a nice and easy way to handle permalinks and dealing with searching fo...
1295,39461,367blockstream_satelliteAPI client to interact with the Blockstream satellite
13102,21861,367key_value_loggingKeyValue based replacement for rails TaggedLogging
14109,60461,367faraday_ln_paywallSends payments
15115,90361,367rack-lightningRack middleware that generates and validates paid lightning invoices
16116,36761,367awesome_bot_factoryThe AwesomeBotFactory lets you generate lovely bots for your campfire rooms. This gem b...
17140,80961,367bundler-thankyouA Bitcoin lightning based donation system that allows to send a "thankyou" to the gems ...
18145,25833,893openaliasWrapper around the OpenAlias rust implementation that allows to lookup and parse OpenAl...
19156,79241,086ongairThis API wrapper allows you to interact with the ongair.im API to receive and to send m...
20162,65361,367kitelyAPI wrapper to the print on demand service kite.ly"