Devver's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
121,23463,432maybeA library for treating nil and non-nil objects in a similar manner. Technically speakin...
236,58941,916devver-octopiThis is a gem of the Devver fork of Octopi (a Github API library), which can be found a...
336,59715,400sdbtoolsSDBTools layers a higher-level OO interface on top of RightAWS, as well as providing so...
440,52130,305dm-adapter-simpledbA DataMapper adapter for Amazon's SimpleDB service. Features: * Full set of CRUD ope...
547,32541,916devver-rack-contribThe Devver fork of rack-contrib
652,28663,432test-constructConstruct is a DSL for creating temporary files and directories during testing.
7116,88141,916devver-SaikuroSaikuro is a Ruby cyclomatic complexity analyzer. When given Ruby source code Saikuro ...
8117,80141,916devver-right_aws== DESCRIPTION: The RightScale AWS gems have been designed to provide a robust, fast, ...
9117,96541,916devver-right_http_connectionRightScale's robust HTTP/S connection module
10124,82841,916rack-stereoscopeRack::Stereoscope puts an HTML face on RESTful APIs.