1 | 13,095 | 28,793 | serve | Serve is a small Rack-based web server that makes it easy to serve ERB or HAML from any... |
2 | 24,978 | 86,038 | mlist | A Ruby mailing list library designed to be integrated into other applications. |
3 | 77,284 | 86,038 | dataset | A simple API for creating and finding sets of data in your database, built on ActiveRec... |
4 | 78,333 | 53,556 | eassl | EaSSL is a library aimed at making openSSL certificate generation and management easier... |
5 | 116,965 | 53,556 | uaid | A small library useful to Rack-based Ruby applications for obtaining information about ... |
6 | 123,687 | 53,556 | ofxrb | ofxrb is a pure-Ruby OFX (Open Financial Exchange) library |