1 | 25,251 | 9,437 | shen-ruby | ShenRuby is a port of the Shen programming language to Ruby. It currently supports Shen... |
2 | 29,301 | 57,505 | has_enumeration | Extends ActiveRecord with the has_enumeration method allowing a symbolic
enumeration to... |
3 | 43,018 | 57,505 | klam | Klam is a Ruby implementation of Kl, the small Lisp on top of which the Shen programmin... |
4 | 82,599 | 57,505 | lazing | Lazy equivalents for many of the methods in Enumerable |
5 | 90,140 | 57,505 | document_hydrator | DocumentHydrator takes a document, represented as a Ruby Hash, and efficiently updates ... |
6 | 129,998 | 57,505 | mongo_hydrator | MongoHydrator takes a document, represented as a Ruby Hash, and efficiently updates it ... |