Rrevans's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,09528,793serveServe is a small Rack-based web server that makes it easy to serve ERB or HAML from any...
230,62353,556tiTitanium Rapid Development Framework
331,04986,038dribbleAPI Wrapper for the awesome Dribbble Site
433,97253,556craftiGenerate directories and files with/out templates.
549,14486,038rack-signatureRack Middleware for verifying signed requests
652,37753,556mockupMockup: Rapid Prototyping using Compass, Sass, and Serve.
769,78342,025coffeefileUse a Coffeefile to add all your coffee files that require compiling. Then use the coff...
870,96286,038geodesySimple Geo-Calculations
976,44853,556emojifyUse emoji in your content. Pass it a string and it will return the string with emoji im...
1077,37086,038app_settingsApplication Settings for Rails
1181,89386,038yockeriesUse Ruby Fixtures to create mocks or use in place of factories to create objects
12100,15242,025sloopName your latest project and see if a domain exists
13102,90986,038ryderThe simpliest prototyping tool, EVER
14106,09786,038fixture_overlordA Rails Gem for handling Fixtures without a database. Allows mocks, stubs, hashes, mode...
15124,77586,038cap_recipesA gem of capistrano recipes used in building and deploying a server.
16131,45786,038revans_right_aws== DESCRIPTION: The RightScale AWS gems have been designed to provide a robust, fast, ...
17138,27686,038env_managerManage your environment
18148,64753,556gorillapiA simple interface to test an Api
19152,58186,038petroReads a hash, generates Rails commands that can be ran to generate rails code