Jashmenn's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,80211,776activeuuidAdd binary (not string) UUIDs to ActiveRecord in MySQL
29,03028,396ifttt-gdashA simple dashboard for creating and displaying Graphite graphs
327,56538,544backupgemBeginning-to-end solution for backups and rotation.
431,00228,396jashmenn-method_cacheSimple memcache-based memoization library for Ruby
538,06770,066jashmenn-statsd-instrumentA StatsD client for Ruby apps. Provides metaprogramming methods to inject StatsD instru...
653,20370,066git-style-binariesRidiculously easy git-style binaries
759,89748,058jashmenn-redis-lockAdds pessimistic locking capabilities to the redis gem. Since these capabilities a...
875,37138,544aprioriRuby Apriori is a library to efficiently find item association rules within large sets ...
993,82170,066jashmenn-activerecord-jdbc-adapteractiverecord-jdbc-adapter is a database adapter for Rails\' ActiveRecord component that...
1096,37038,544jashmenn-httparty-iceboxCache responses in HTTParty models
1197,74770,066pstSyntactic sugar over java-libpst.
12121,86948,058intervalinterval is a tiny library that provides simple musicial note pitch and interval arithm...
13123,03648,058interval-quizA gem that provides a quiz on musical intervals
14128,60348,058jashmenn-feedzirraA feed fetching and parsing library that treats the internet like Godzilla treats Japan...
15128,68070,066jashmenn-activerecord-jdbcmysql-adapterInstall this gem to use MySQL with JRuby on Rails.
16128,92070,066jashmenn-dalliHigh performance memcached client for Ruby
17130,96548,058ifttt-twitterA Ruby wrapper for the Twitter API.
18166,53770,066jashmenn-restful-authenticationGenerates common user authentication code for Rails/Merb, with a full test/unit and rsp...