Usiegj00's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,1934,525exceptionalExceptional is the Ruby gem for communicating with (hosted error ...
215,4366,984right_dataRightData helpers
332,27263,432sraasMore API gem than is reasonable.
463,84563, gem provides view helpers to allow trivial integration with
575,53363,432nabaztagnabaztag commandline
675,95663,432xplenty-apiRuby Client for the Xplenty API
784,89830,305elcgeoELC Technologies GEO tools
895,20363,432idonethis-official-cliAllows easy access to listing and entering dones.
9117,61563,432xero-cliIt's not time to make a change, just relax, take it easy. You're still young; that's yo...
10122,34863,432paypal-businessRuby-friendly paypal API. Works for both sandbox and live methods.
11163,79163,432gcodifyGcodify is a Ruby DSL which generates gcode from a high-level, Ruby-based descripti...
12179,01063,432idracA Ruby client for the Dell iDRAC API