Bradly's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
110,94563,432simple_deployOpinionated gem for Managing AWS Cloud Formation stacks and deploying updates to Instan...
212,37163,432heirloomI help build and manage building tar.gz files and deploying them into the cloud
325,35863,432twitter-bootstrap-helpersA set of Ruby on Rails view helpers to be used with Twitter Bootstrap
443,81063,432aws-alert-monitorI watch an SQS queue and escalate alert messages.
550,95741,916rhode_islandA really small state machince for Ruby on Rails
686,99063,432esbitA lightweight gem to interact with the Campfire API
7110,97863,432simple_deploy_sshA gem to make it easier to ssh to instances managed with simple_deploy
8131,31241,916salesforce-chatterRuby Client for Salesforce Chatter REST API
9138,59163,432mmfaA little gem to get the current multi-factor authentication key on a Mac
10180,77041,916prefab-railsThis gem provides a lightweight library that simplifies the controllers of your resourc...