Janfri's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,8164,450mini_exiftoolThis library is a wrapper for the ExifTool command-line application (https://exiftool.o...
23,32313,549multi_exiftoolThis library is a wrapper for the ExifTool command-line application (https://exiftool.o...
314,3459,796rimGoal is to have a project managing that just works on as many Ruby versions as possible...
432,75524,802regtestThis library supports a very simple way to do regression testing with Ruby. It is not l...
533,17720,236scriprefLibrary for parsing scripture references in real texts.
663,60760,424diathekeThis library is a wrapper of the diatheke command-line client of the sword project.
773,32084,840spacetreeGenerate a tree structure from a text file indented by spaces.
8104,425136,377benchA wrapper DSL around the benchmark lib of the Ruby standard lib with the goal to make b...
9179,183105,358ebookbinderThis library should help to make ebooks as easy as possible. It interprets an XHTML str...