#2818's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,28524,968cacertPackages a snapshot of the Curl cacert.pem
214,70442,025autoscalerCurrently provides a Sidekiq middleware that does 0/1 scaling of Heroku processes
358,40831,663mathvizTurn simple equations (a = b * c) into GraphViz dot files showing relationships, values...
479,29686,038bondageclass Binding stinks, module Bondage stinks less. Bondage provides hashes of local, gl...
5100,29831,663guard-rubyGuard::Ruby is for running simple ruby files that don't necessarily have a separate...
6127,40686,038database_specificationTranslate between different ways of specifying a database connection. Translates betwe...