1 | 3,429 | 4,168 | ruby-gmail | A Rubyesque interface to Gmail, with all the tools you'll need. Search, read and send m... |
2 | 23,478 | 42,025 | dcas-ruby | Ruby codebase for creating payment batch files for DCAS, uploading them, and receiving ... |
3 | 32,971 | 22,512 | immortalize | Watch a specific process, restart it if it dies. |
4 | 37,180 | 86,038 | quickbooks | The only comprehensive Ruby interface to Quickbooks. THIS IS A DEMO VERSION. Visit behi... |
5 | 47,857 | 86,038 | simplemapper | The lightest of ORMs excluding magic such as properties, primary keys, associations, va... |
6 | 49,884 | 28,793 | httphere | httphere is a very small and simple ruby command-line HTTP file server. |
7 | 56,500 | 86,038 | formattedstring | Brings all parsing of Formatted Strings into one common place. |
8 | 70,091 | 86,038 | mhs-rvideo | Inspect and process video or audio files. |
9 | 71,475 | 53,556 | shopify | Communicate easily with Shopify.com's Restful API. |
10 | 75,522 | 53,556 | days_and_times | Natural language method chaining for Time, Durations and the like. |
11 | 86,921 | 42,025 | hash_magic | Adds Hash#ordered and Hash#slashed to Hash, which flavor a hash to behave in certain mo... |
12 | 90,469 | 86,038 | temporals | "We could develop some interpreter that would be able to parse and process a range of e... |
13 | 127,751 | 86,038 | simplesync | QuickSync: an interface to synchronization logic. |