Godfat's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,5651,139gitlab_quality-test_toolingA collection of test-related tools.
21,752415gitlab-triageGitLab triage automation project.
35,4397,503rack-handlersUnicorn family Rack handlers for you. Mostly for `rails s`.
46,3626,324rest-coreVarious [rest-builder](https://github.com/godfat/rest-builder) middleware for building ...
57,2259,330promise_poolpromise_pool is a promise implementation backed by threads or threads pool.
67,24210,732rest-firebaseRuby Firebase REST API client built on top of [rest-core][]. [rest-core]: https://gith...
77,31212,881rest-builderModular Ruby clients interface for REST APIs. Build your own API clients for less depe...
87,7174,244gem-pathFind the path for a given gem or require path for editing or greping. For examples, un...
913,4269,194rest-graphA lightweight Facebook Graph API client We have moved the development from rest-graph ...
1014,0477,061ribRuby-Interactive-ruBy -- Yet another interactive Ruby shell Rib is based on the design...
1116,4859,840rest-moreVarious REST clients such as Facebook and Twitter built with [rest-core][]. [rest-core...
1216,94154,620ludyAims to extend Ruby standard library, providing some useful tools that's not existed in...
1316,97721,695gitlab-development-kitCLI for GitLab Development Kit.
1419,3036,759porkPork -- Simple and clean and modular testing library. Inspired by [Bacon][]. [Bacon]:...
1520,0309,683muackMuack -- A fast, small, yet powerful mocking library. Inspired by [RR][], and it's 32x...
1622,13110,988jellyfishPico web framework for building API-centric web applications. For Rack applications or ...
1724,94154,620cerealizeSerialize out of the Cerealize Box - a drop-in replacement for ActiveRecord's serialize...
1828,72954,620dm-mappingDataMapper plugin that helps you manipulate an existing database. It creates mappings b...
1932,45913,446ripl-rcripl plugins collection, take you want, leave you don't.
2032,57954,620dm-is-reflectiveDataMapper plugin that helps you manipulate an existing database. It creates mappings b...
2135,61554,620app-deployrake tasks for deployment
2241,11854,620sync-deferSynchronous deferred operations with fibers (coroutines)
2342,40054,620friendly_formatmake user input be valid xhtml and format it with gsub("\n", "
") etc. you can par...
2446,05116,714readline_bufferLet you manipulate `Readline.line_buffer` Note, only GNU Readline is supported at the ...
2549,55516,714request-replayReplay the request via Rack env
2651,89619,606pagifyPagination tools for Array(or custom class), DataMapper and ActiveRecord. Helpers for I...
2752,00454,620gem-grepgrep the gem for a given name or grep the file for a given require path. Also checkout...
2852,29454,620xmpp4r-robotSimple XMPP client built upon xmpp4r. Intended for building simple robots.
2952,73854,620ruby-bsdconvruby wrapper for bsdconv. bsdconv is a BSD licensed charset/encoding converter library ...
3056,82954,620cool.io-httpSimpler HTTP for [cool.io][] [cool.io]: https://github.com/tarcieri/cool.io
3157,33821,695rack-rails-loggerTell Rails to respect `env['rack.logger']` After installing this middleware, any Rails...
3269,44154,620rubyqcRubyQC -- A conceptual [QuickCheck][] library for Ruby. It's not a faithful port since...
3373,02454,620shere_Share_ the directory _here_ with [Nginx][]! Shere would create a temporary Nginx confi...
3482,01724,730rib-herokuRun a [Rib][] console on Heroku Cedar with your Rib config! [Rib]: https://github.com/...
3582,82854,620nrnr --net received-- The other side of nc. Run the server with `nr` and client with `ec...
3684,22854,620gem-eitEdit the gem for a given name or edit the file for a given require path. Also checkout...
3785,95024,730rainbows-emtpEventMachineThreadPool model for Rainbows!
3886,01154,620logiHighly customizable static blog/wiki generator.
3989,14221,695rest-gw2A very simple [Guild Wars 2 API](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/API:Main) client buil...
4089,95654,620gem-bgrepCan't find some codes from your app? gem-bgrep let you grep from your Gemfile. Also ch...
41103,05054,620source-toolssource code tools collection
42125,85354,620thumbocreate thumbnails via RMagick
43130,61154,620unigrepPrint Unicode information matching description. (grep Unicode data) * Inspired by App:...
44132,69654,620tidyup! ( ) Tidy document s up your Inspired by [The Art of Clean Up: Sorting and Stacking E...
45142,47954,620sayaSaya helps you post a post to different SNS simultaneously. It is intended to provide ...
46147,14854,620gem-beitEdit a gem for a given name from Gemfile. Also checkout [gem-eit][]. [gem-eit]: https...
47156,22754,620jellyfish-contribExtra [Jellyfish](https://github.com/godfat/jellyfish) extensions.
48156,77936,248friendly_markdownSimple markdown for user input, with auto-link, auto-linebreak, and sanitization.
49162,32336,248pork-rspecRSpec compatibility layer for Pork.
50163,13254,620struct_transTransform a struct with a schema to a hash, other struct, or more.
51167,18454,620gem-compactClean up gems for all the paths, including development dependencies. This is mainly to...