Muriel's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
114,42310,623hybrid_platforms_conductorProvides a complete toolset to help DevOps maintain, deploy, monitor and test multiple ...
232,57553,556rUtilAntsrUtilAnts is used by several projects. It includes common standard code.
339,58153,556modsvaskrCommand-line UI handling a full Mods' ecosystem for Bethesda's games.
439,59753,556rails-ajaxAdd Ajax capabilities to Rails websites, with minimal code changes. Supports history, b...
544,69153,556RubyPackagerGenerate installable binary distributions of Ruby programs for many platforms (many OS,...
645,72853,556WaveSwissKnifeWSK is a command-line utility that processes WAV audio PCM files to apply audio filters...
754,31024,968ioblockreaderRuby library giving block-buffered and cached read over IO objects with a String-like i...
857,71431,663secret_stringRemove secrets (passwords, keys...) from memory
958,51831,663sem_ver_componentsTools helping in maintaining semantic versioning at a components level instead of a glo...
1061,70524,968keepass_kpscriptRuby API to handle Keepass databases using KPScript
1162,47842,025ProcessPilotRuby library giving a simple way to pilot an external process' stdin, stdout and stderr...
1265,38035,920ruby-serialLibrary serializing Ruby objects, optimized in many ways: * Space efficient: Use Messag...
1366,35842,025StatsCollectStatsCollect is a little framework gathering statistics from external sources (social n...
1472,42353,556databricksAccess the Databricks API using the simple Ruby way
1574,80142,025curses_menuSimple menu offering choices with navigation keys using curses
1679,18153,556MusicMasterCommand line tool handling steps to deliver music album masters from recordings. Handle...
1784,28835,920md_to_bbcodeProvides an API and an executable to convert Markdown text to BBCode format
1893,65353,556RDIRDI is a library that gives your application the ability to install its dependencies at...
1999,43042,025SheepDogSimple command line tool that monitors files and processes and sends notifications or t...
20102,62853,556fileshunterAnalyze files and guess their true content's format. Extract hidden files from corrupte...
21104,66835,920nexus_modsAccess NexusMods REST API from Ruby
22130,72953,556riffolaLibrary reading an extended RIFF format, supporting huge files. RIFF format is composed...
23135,68253,556elder_scrolls_pluginLibrary reading Bethesda's plugins files (.esp, .esm and .esl) files. Provides a simple...
24160,73653,556fs_cacheSimple file system caching to perform huge and repetitive accesses to files, directorie...
25178,93653,556mod_organizerRuby API accessing a Mod Organizer instance