#2866's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
130,35663,432iab-InsuranceBizLogicInsuranceBizLogic contains biz logic for stand four insurance processes of NB, MTA, Can...
235,56263,432iab-OilOil is a RAILS based mini language for Financial Applications
342,41563,432iab-ActiveRecordBDBXmlActiveRecordBDBXml is a ActiveRecord RAILS adapter for the Berkeley DB Xml - BDBXml
455,24463,432iab-FinancialProductBuilderFinancialProductBuilder is a series of scripts (and GUI) that allows new financial prod...
570,37663,432iab-RailsGlueRailsGlue is a series hooks that allow other iab components to work atop of RAILS
670,70563,432iab-BrokerAdaptersBrokerAdapters provides a mechanism for obtaining rates via supplier web sites and xml ...
798,54963,432iab-WhiteLabelingWhiteLabeling is a module that facilitates the separation of UI layers allowing for qui...
8121,34563,432InsuranceBizLogicInsuranceBizLogic contains biz logic for stand four insurance processes of NB, MTA, Can...