1 | 6,707 | 7,310 | figgy | Access YAML, JSON (and ...) configuration files with ease |
2 | 13,009 | 9,002 | active_record_stats | ActiveRecord instrumentation for Rails, Resque and Sidekiq |
3 | 19,919 | 13,288 | rack-schema | Validate rack responses against schema named in the Link header |
4 | 22,759 | 51,488 | yard_types | Your API docs say you return an Array of Result objects, but do you really? |
5 | 73,184 | 19,472 | rspec_hpricot_matchers | rspec_hpricot_matchers provides an implementation of rspec_on_rails' have_tag() matcher... |
6 | 119,587 | 51,488 | aping | aping |