Jakubstastny's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17101,223bunnyEasy to use, feature complete Ruby client for RabbitMQ 3.9 and later versions.
27181,134amq-protocolamq-protocol is an AMQP 0.9.1 serialization library for Ruby. It is not a client: the...
32,7332,145amqpMature EventMachine-based RabbitMQ client.
45,0262,794amq-clientamq-client is a fully-featured, low-level AMQP 0.9.1 client with pluggable networking I...
513,50661,367aceAce is highly flexible static pages generator with template inheritance.
616,32641,086rangoRango is ultralightweight, ultracustomizable, ultracool web framework deeply inspired b...
720,78533,893changelogSimple CHANGELOG parser.
823,39613,506nakeNake is light-weight and highly flexible Rake replacement with much better arguments pa...
924,32061,367pupuPupu is a plugin system for media like mootools plugins, icon sets etc. It knows depend...
1026,11461,367code-cleanerRemove trailing whitespace, append missing \n and replace tabs by two spaces
1236,20561,367simple-templaterSimpleTemplater is dead-simple solution for creating generators. It strongly uses conve...
1339,09761,367template-inheritanceThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
1441,29220,275media-pathMediaPath abstraction that provides easier interaction with paths and corresponding URLs.
1549,33561,367helpersFramework-agnostic template helpers
1652,27923,402multigiriThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
1752,32361,367cartCart is framework agnostic solution for shopping cart. There are two existing imlementa...
1856,24761,367rubyextsTiny library with Ruby extensions
1957,63933,893contributorsThe contributors gem is useful for getting informations about project contributors. It ...
2059,24861,367formidableThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
2169,22061,367hash_structHashStruct is similar to Struct from Ruby standard library, the difference is that Hash...
2271,72861,367git-deployerEasy deploy system based on Git hooks
2476,28961,367simple-loggerSmarter clone of Extlib logger with colours support.
2579,80561,367assets-squasherIt takes an HTML file, traverses over its scripts and stylesheets and minify them all i...
2684,68261,367hour-rubyLibrary for handling hour arithmetics. such as addition, multiplication, conversion to ...
2787,76433,893manufactoryManufactory is a minimalistic and clean rewrite of manufactory with some improvements.
2893,43061,367rails-template-inheritanceTemplate inheritance provided by Rango in Rails!
2994,33561,367rpcGeneric RPC library for Ruby. Currently it supports JSON-RPC over HTTP, support for AMQ...
3099,55261,367filelistFileList is taken from Rake
31113,26061,367rack-jwt-token-authJWT-based token authentication middleware for Rack.
32113,71761,367botanicus-gemcutterAdds several commands for using gemcutter.org, such as pushing new gems, migrating gems...
33117,00061,367colorful-loggerAdds colors to Extlib logger
34117,17761,367dm-specSome rSpec matchers for DataMapper
35117,28361,367dm-is-sluggableThis is plugin for easy creating unique slugs from other properties.
36118,02561,367dm-is-serializedThis plugin helps you to serialize your records into very short strings for storing in ...
37123,87361,367rails-named-routes-optionsThis Rails plugin adds default_named_routes_options to your controllers and mailers, so...
38139,36241,086logging4hackersAny idiot can append to file. How about using AMQP? Pipes? ZeroMQ? Other cool shit??? H...
39141,85961,367riakRuby adapter for Riak. It gives you access to both jiak & raw interfaces.
40144,97841,086pipeline.rbPlugin pipeline infrastructure connected through RabbitMQ.. Asynchronous and robust. Al...
41145,84541,086pipeline-mail_queuePipeline.rb plugin for sending emails through Gmail SMTP.
42149,68761,367simple-ormA simple ORM. By default it stores to Redis hashes.
43151,60541,086rack-parse-posted-jsonParse POSTed and PUTed JSON and make it available through env["json"].
44157,31861,367do_riakThis is a data objects adapter for Riak. It's builded on top of the generic rrriak adap...
45159,38161,367riak-modelSimple ODM for Riak.
51174,02161,367gdrive-cliManage your Google Drive from command line
52174,73761,367schedule-dslProvides a DSL for defining your schedule rules and getting results for given date.