1 | 12,416 | 9,696 | openvidu-ruby-client | Ruby client built around OpenVidu's REST API. |
2 | 17,022 | 107,887 | ulid_fast | ULID Ruby C Extension |
3 | 23,175 | 29,723 | simplest_auth | Simple implementation of authentication for Rails |
4 | 37,457 | 31,170 | ruby_reddit_api | Wraps many reddit API functions such as submission and comments browsing, voting, messa... |
5 | 40,089 | 44,005 | jamescook-pow | Ruby 'puts' with shell colors. |
6 | 43,141 | 17,626 | soundx | Soundex library written in C |
7 | 55,648 | 71,169 | gastropod | Simple library for generating slugs |
8 | 57,416 | 53,644 | rotten | Wrapper for Rotten Tomatoes API |
9 | 79,732 | 47,929 | regulos | Regulos parses combat logs for reporting & statistics. |
10 | 95,071 | 147,291 | b32 | Base32 Ruby C Extension |
11 | 102,865 | 60,549 | rb_termbox | Ruby binding to Termbox, a ncurses alternative. |
12 | 112,521 | 84,493 | layabout | slack.com API toolbelt |
13 | 122,305 | 84,493 | libui-ruby | LibUI FFI Binding |
14 | 122,713 | 147,291 | confy | Configuration parser |
15 | 124,703 | 147,291 | file_monitor | Wrapper around FSSM for ease of use" |
16 | 133,248 | 107,887 | fast_slice | Hash#slice implemented in C |
17 | 159,884 | 107,887 | highwayhash | Highwayhash Ruby C Extension |
18 | 166,294 | 84,493 | fb64 | Fast Base64 C extension |
19 | 168,968 | 107,887 | is_it_utf8 | Fast UTF8 Validator |