#2896's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,2894,384deep_clonableAdd support for deep cloning to objects
26,3984,384deferrableSimple mechanism for deferred execution of a block
39,95022,984ordered_setLike Set except it maintains the order of objects
410,58457,505cakeSave your fork, there's cake!
510,70630,732memcacheRuby client for memcached supporting advanced protocol features and pluggable architect...
628,57430,732bdbAdvanced Ruby Berkeley DB library.
729,10830,732adnA simple and easy to use library to interact with App.net's API
840,21757,505record_cacheActive Record caching and indexing in memcache.
940,65813,082sbdbSimple Ruby Berkeley DB wrapper library for bdb.
1041,01557,505active_documentSchemaless models in Berkeley DB.
1141,33322,984model_setEasy manipulation of sets of ActiveRecord models
1244,26757,505adn-cliApp.net command line
1362,19257,505method_cacheSimple memcache-based memoization library for Ruby
1462,30614,623ruptureClojure sequence functions for Ruby.
1565,04857,505cache_versionStore the version of any class for cache invalidation
1666,06157,505tupleFast, binary-sortable serialization for arrays of simple Ruby types.
1766,93830,732priority_queueA simple priority queue in Ruby.
1869,01330,732colorizedCross application color theme generator inspired by Solarized.
1971,43957,505action_flowA state-machine inspired mixin for controllers that makes creating flows and wizards de...
2078,21157,505bake.cljAdd equal parts clojure, ruby, love, and tenderness. Bake at 350 for 1 minute. Delicious.
2183,95457,505rompRomp is a lightweight Stomp client for Ruby
22103,20657,505minisphinxA simple Sphinx indexing library for Ruby
23111,34657,505icunicodeICU Unicode Transliteration and Collation in Ruby.
24117,52657,505anti_objectInvert any object
25118,68357,505cache_machineA Rails engine for quick, convenient caching.
26125,80257,505portalThe cake is a lie!
27135,00757,505replicatorEasy Postgres replication for Rails