1 | 1,208 | 1,579 | figaro | Simple, Heroku-friendly Rails app configuration using ENV and a single YAML file |
2 | 1,259 | 1,153 | audited | Log all changes to your models |
3 | 1,428 | 2,100 | awesome_nested_set | An awesome nested set implementation for Active Record |
4 | 3,514 | 8,467 | audited-activerecord | Log all changes to your ActiveRecord models |
5 | 4,112 | 3,176 | mapbox-sdk | Ruby bindings for the Mapbox API |
6 | 4,615 | 20,993 | tinder | A Ruby API for interfacing with Campfire, the 37Signals chat application. |
7 | 6,701 | 6,714 | sunspot_test | Testing sunspot with cucumber can be a pain. This gem will automatically start/stop sol... |
8 | 7,395 | 6,855 | graticule | Graticule is a geocoding API that provides a common interface to all the popular servic... |
9 | 13,629 | 66,923 | acts_as_geocodable | Simple geocoding for Active Record models. See the README for more details. |
10 | 19,828 | 30,535 | with_action | A respond_to style helper for doing different actions based on which request parameters... |
11 | 30,558 | 43,406 | audited-mongo_mapper | Log all changes to your MongoMapper models |
12 | 31,034 | 66,923 | deploy_and_deliver | Mark Pivotal Tracker stories as Delivered on deploy. |
13 | 57,209 | 66,923 | unicode_math | Fun Ruby extensions for doing math with Unicode |
14 | 59,653 | 43,406 | crowd | A client for Atlassian Crowd v1.1.0r2. Notes: WSDL stub generated with wsdl2ruby.rb --... |
15 | 68,528 | 66,923 | adapter-simpledb | Adapter for Amazon SimpleDB |
16 | 89,679 | 43,406 | integrity-nabaztag | A Nabaztag notifier for integrity |
17 | 157,826 | 30,535 | protoc-gen-twirp_ruby | A protoc plugin that generates Twirp-Ruby services and clients. A pure Ruby alternative... |
18 | 176,712 | 30,535 | twirp-on-rails | A simple way to serve Twirp RPC services in a Rails app. Minimial configuration and fam... |
19 | 183,071 | 66,923 | collectiveidea | Collective Idea |