Normalperson's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,01410,845fastthreadOptimized replacement for thread.rb primitives
23,7135,191ptoolsThe ptools (power tools) library provides several handy methods to Ruby's core File...
33,8063,848fast_xsfast_xs provides C extensions for escaping text. The original String#fast_xs method is...
43,96815,482mongrelA small fast HTTP library and server that runs Rails, Camping, Nitro and Iowa apps.
54,01712,489gem_pluginA plugin system based on rubygems that uses dependencies only
64,64611,419cgi_multipart_eof_fixFix an exploitable bug in CGI multipart parsing.
75,91727,184io-extraAdds the IO.closefrom, IO.fdwalk, IO.pread, IO.pwrite, and IO.writev singleton meth...
88,9356,630interfaceThe interface library implements Java style interfaces for Ruby. It lets you define...
99,64714,588proc-wait3The proc-wait3 library adds the wait3, wait4, waitid, pause, sigsend, and getrusage...
109,68924,705getoptThe getopt library provides two different command line option parsers. They are mea...
119,8927,277attemptThe attempt library provides a thin wrapper for the typical begin/rescue/sleep/retr...
1210,11817,665rc-restRobot Co-op REST web services base class. This library makes it easy to implement REST-...
1311,74236,705mongrel_clusterMongrel plugin that provides commands and Capistrano tasks for managing multiple Mongre...
1412,1139,089mogilefs-clientA MogileFS client library for Ruby. MogileFS is an open source distributed filesystem,...
1513,63524,705pathname2The pathname2 library provides an implementation of the Pathname class different fr...
1613,66719,964html-tableThe html-table library provides an interface for generating HTML tables in a syntax...
1714,00122,963file-findThe file-find library provides a better, more object oriented approach to finding f...
1814,83613,469archive-tar-externalThe archive-tar-external is a simple wrapper interface for creating tar files using...
1914,96718,696memoizeThe memoize library allows you to cache methods for faster lookup. Cached results...
2015,50530,494facadeThe facade library allows you to mixin singleton methods from classes or modules as...
2116,22427,184dbi-dbrcThe dbi-dbrc library provides an interface for storing database connection informat...
2217,70627,184file-tempThe file-temp library provides an alternative approach to generating temporary file...
2317,85057,843strongtypingThe strongtyping gem is a Ruby library that provides type checking and method overl...
2419,19517,665rpatriciaThis is a ruby wrapper of Net::Patricia, which has been developed by Dave Plonka. The o...
2520,73920,780sleepy_penguinsleepy_penguin provides access to newer, Linux-only system calls to wait on events from...
2620,77720,780io_spliceThe splice family of Linux system calls can transfer data between file descriptors with...
2721,87636,705zbateryZbatery is an HTTP server for Rack applications on systems that either do not support f...
2827,13957,843net-tnspingThe net-tnsping library provides a way to ping Oracle databases and ensure that the...
2927,87057,843wrongdocwrongdoc mangles an existing RDoc directory and makes any changes we feel like. It mai...
3033,46024,705tdbTDB is much like other DBM implementations, except it allows concurrent writer processe...
3133,98136,705crypt-rot13The crypt-rot13 library provides an interface for a simple character substitution c...
3235,24757,843hashsliceThe hashslice library adds builtin hash slicing to Ruby's Hash class. This lets you...
3336,66057,843useThe use library solves the multi-mixin problem by allowing you to selectively mixin...
3436,77257,843omgfOMGF provides an HTTP interface for {MogileFS}[], allowing clients t...
3537,06957,843unionThe union library provides an analog to a C/C++ union for Ruby. In this implementat...
3637,83130,494mahoroAn interface to libmagic to determine file types using "magic" numbers. This can be use...
3738,34957,843ez-emailA very simple interface for sending email
3845,66657,843local-openidlocal-openid allows users with shell accounts on servers to authenticate with OpenID co...
3923,47551,382clogger_extdummy package to facilitate migration to the unified "clogger" gem
4048,95457,843crypt-fogA simple string encryption scheme
4150,90557,843mongrel_statusA sample plugin that reports the status of mongrel.
4250,93457,843mongrel_upload_progressThe mongrel_upload_progress gemplugin
4355,48557,843enumerable-extraThe enumerable-extra library provides overridden Enumerable methods that make it e...
4455,74236,705mongrel_configMongrel plugin that gives you web based config tool using Camping
4558,57357,843mongrel_cow_clusterA Mongrel plugin that uses copy-on-write to lower resource impact and handle rolling re...
4661,30657,843unxfRack middleware to remove "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR" in the Rack environment and replace "R...
4738,07953,847qrpQueueing Reverse Proxy for Rails
4873,81357,843omgdavomgdav exposes an existing MogileFS domain over WebDAV. There is absolutely no commitm...
4977,12657,843uprupr is Rack middleware that allows browser-side upload progress monitoring. It is base...
5043,42162,817kgio-monkeyWraps OpenSSL to provide {kgio-compatible}[] kgio_trywrite and...
5182,46057,843mongrel_consoleProvides a combined Mongrel and Rails IRB console.
5296,62257,843mongrel_experimentalBackports and experimental features for Mongrel.
5353,41973,294sunshowersSunshowers is a Ruby library for Web Sockets. It exposes an easy-to-use API that may b...
5458,94651,382socket_dontwaitThis library is a drop-in replacement that reimplements several IO methods with replace...
5568,05773,294metropolisMetropolis is a Rack application used to store key value pairs. It seeks to emulate th...
5668,12690,359mongrel-cowA Mongrel plugin that uses copy-on-write to speed up starting and rolling restarts of s...
57121,20957,843rubygems-isit19Lets you figure out if your gems and gems you install might work on 1.9. Uses http://i...
5876,20073,294net-wrong["The goal of this project is to obsolete itself and improve Ruby itself.\nThis RubyGem...
5976,632112,164barfsNot ready, see git://
6077,61951,382terrible_timeoutThis module still sucks, don't use it without knowing its caveats. Read the RDoc, sour...
61100,13838,071stupid_cacheStupidly simple Rack middleware for caching responses with Memcached. It should be easy...
62105,95451,382mogstored_rackmogstored_rack implements a minimal subset of WebDAV needed to support a MogileFS stora...