Subosito's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,50642,025gingericeCorrects spelling and grammar mistakes based on the context of complete sentences.
213,16122,512audiojsAudio.js on Rails Asset Pipeline
316,45310,623jquery-selectboxCustom select box replacement inspired by jQuery UI source
434,10228,793audiojs-railsAudio.js on Rails Asset Pipeline
534,43020,749mascheranoCapistrano 3.x recipes
652,48153,556bootstrap-sass-rtlRTL version of bootstrap-sass
762,56353,556fine_uploaderUser-friendly file-uploading experience over the web
863,84153,556plurOpinionated development workflow and commonly used tools for Ruby on Rails based develo...
981,65431,663jukebox-railsJukebox is a component to handle the playback of music and sound effects across multipl...
10142,40186,038rubytusResumable upload protocol implementation in Ruby
11159,67369,876omniauth-bukalapakOfficial OmniAuth strategy for Bukalapak