Bparanj's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
133,40161,367yukonExpress checkout using ActiveMerchant Paypal API.
253,40261,367rasamSelect a single winner using votes that express preferences. This can also be used to c...
387,72329,456lyonA simple gem configuration gem to allow a gem user to configure gem specific variables.
489,56161,367cabernetThis library enables developers to execute Paypal APIs on behalf of merchants.
5107,14161,367fillyThis gem implements the credit card related functionality and credential check using St...
6113,07733,893malbecA parser and handler for incoming Intant Payment Notifications from Paypal.
7115,25861,367chivasThis gem can be used to implement guest checkout and one click checkout using Stripe API.
8135,98661,367bacardiThis gem checks for spoofed receiver email and fraudulent change in amount for the purc...
9155,51061,367pongalPongal is a valid US state generator that can be used in Geocoding applications.