Zenspider's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11911minitestminitest provides a complete suite of testing facilities supporting TDD, BDD, mocking, ...
28318raccRacc is an LALR(1) parser generator. It is written in Ruby itself, and generates Ruby...
3282658sexp_processorsexp_processor branches from ParseTree bringing all the generic sexp processing tools w...
4296853ruby_parserruby_parser (RP) is a ruby parser written in pure ruby (utilizing racc--which does by d...
5337361open4open child process with handles on pid, stdin, stdout, and stderr: manage child process...
61,1011,526path_expanderPathExpander helps pre-process command-line arguments expanding directories into their ...
71,2551,628flayFlay analyzes code for structural similarities. Differences in literal values, variable...
81,4011,822flogFlog reports the most tortured code in an easy to read pain report. The higher the scor...
91,6062,246ruby2rubyruby2ruby provides a means of generating pure ruby code easily from RubyParser compatib...
101,9112,971ZenTestZenTest provides 4 different tools: zentest, unit_diff, autotest, and multiruby. zente...
112,1053,283hoeHoe is a rake/rubygems helper for project Rakefiles. It helps you manage, maintain, and...
122,1332,279minitest-railsAdds Minitest as the default testing library in Rails
132,1752,375minitest-focusAllows you to focus on a few tests with ease without having to use command-line argumen...
142,2403,190RubyInlineInline allows you to write foreign code within your ruby code. It automatically determi...
152,4633,980minitest-serverminitest-server provides a client/server setup with your minitest process, allowing you...
163,1005,173minitest-autotestautotest is a continous testing facility meant to be used during development. As soon a...
173,3698,456rubyforgeA script which automates a limited set of rubyforge operations. * Run 'rubyforge help'...
183,4875,156minitest-bisectHunting down random test failures can be very very difficult, sometimes impossible, but...
193,9463,668graphGraph is a type of hash that outputs in graphviz's dot format. It comes with a command-...
204,2797,547osx_keychainProvides API and a command line tool to Access the OS X Keychain. The command line tool...
214,4156,992autotestThis is a stub gem to fix the confusion caused by autotest being part of the ZenTest su...
225,2145,450debrideAnalyze code for potentially uncalled / dead methods, now with auto-removal.
235,31914,635autotest-railsThis is an autotest plugin to provide rails support. It provides basic rails support an...
247,11713,909ParseTreeParseTree is a C extension (using RubyInline) that extracts the parse tree for an entir...
258,4264,702minitest-proveitOriginally written by github user bradleyjames, minitest-proveit forces all tests to pr...
269,2416,760minitest-gcstatsA minitest plugin that adds a report of the top tests by number of objects allocated.
279,77011,689minitest-sprintRuns (Get it? It's fast!) your tests and makes it easier to rerun individual failures.
289,98632,150rc-restRobot Co-op REST web services base class. This library makes it easy to implement REST-...
2910,22822,335rake-remote_taskVlad the Deployer's sexy brainchild is rake-remote_task, extending Rake with remote tas...
3010,29820,678image_scienceImageScience is a clean and happy Ruby library that generates thumbnails -- and kicks t...
3110,83411,900isolateIsolate is a very simple RubyGems sandbox. It provides a way to express and automatical...
3211,0838,889pngPNG is an almost-pure-ruby PNG library. It lets you write a PNG without any C libraries.
3311,23013,265vladVlad the Deployer is pragmatic application deployment automation, without mercy. Much l...
3411,30020,678hoe-gitA set of Hoe plugins for tighter Git integration. Provides tasks to automate release ta...
3511,9318,064test-unit-fullA meta package to use all test-unit extensions.
3613,19214,635ruby_parser-legacyruby_parser-legacy includes the ruby 1.8 and 1.9 parsers from ruby_parser (now removed)...
3713,4326,911debride-erbExtends debride to analyze erb files (erubis ala rails, actually).
3814,05610,637sshSSH provides a simple streaming ssh command runner. That's it. This is a one trick pony...
3914,10832,150hoe-seattlerbHoe plugins providing tasks used by seattle.rb including minitest, perforce, and email ...
4015,14420,678zenwebZenweb is a set of classes/tools for organizing and formating a website. It is website ...
4116,35424,491minitest-debuggerThis is a stupid simple example of how easy it is to make a minitest plugin that does s...
4216,58217,500heckleHeckle is unit test sadism(tm) at it's core. Heckle is a mutation tester. It modifies y...
4316,73418,348minitest-excludesminitest/excludes.rb extends Minitest::Test to provide a clean API for excluding certai...
4419,81920,678minitest_tu_shimminitest_tu_shim bridges the gap between the small and fast minitest and ruby's huge an...
4520,20058,438omnifocusSynchronizes bug tracking systems to omnifocus.
4621,86012,305oedipus_lexOedipus Lex is a lexer generator in the same family as Rexical and Rex. Oedipus Lex is ...
4723,37620,678makerakeworkwellmake/rake/work/well provides two simple modifications to rake that make working with fi...
4824,54727,686minitest-emojiPrint out emoji for your test passes, fails, and skips
4926,55527,686gauntletGauntlet is a pluggable means of running code against all the latest gems and storing o...
5027,38058,438omnifocus-githubPlugin for omnifocus gem to provide github BTS synchronization. Support for Github Ent...
5129,7546,774faraday-restrict-ip-addressesRestrict the IP addresses Faraday will connect to
5229,77424,491vlad-hgMercurial support for Vlad. Using it is as simple as passing :scm => :mercurial
5330,68658,438rb-scptThis is a fork of the original rb-appscript. Ruby AppleScript (rb-scpt) is a high-level...
5432,45124,491rdoc_osx_dictionaryrdoc via Apple's Dictionary.app. Automatically builds and installs an Apple Dictionary ...
5533,13658,438castC parser and AST constructor.
5634,32539,491imap_processorIMAPProcessor is a client for processing messages on an IMAP server. It provides some ...
5734,64232,150omnifocus-redminePlugin for the omnifocus gem to provide synchronization with Redmine Issues. This plug...
5844,99139,491rdoc_chmA Microsoft Compiled HTML Help generator for {RDoc}[http://rdoc.rubyforge.org/].
5946,88224,491zenprofilezenprofiler helps answer WHAT is being called the most. spy_on helps answer WHERE those...
6051,8119,393minitest-stackprofitA minitest plugin that runs your tests and outputs a stackprof profile. This lets you q...
6152,90927,686ruby2cruby_to_c translates a static ruby subset to C. Hopefully it works. NOTE ! NOTE ! NO...
6254,94324,491rubygems-sandboxThe sandbox plugin for rubygems helps you manage your command-line tools and their depe...
6355,89524,491event_hookWraps rb_add_event_hook so you can write fast ruby event hook processors w/o the speed ...
6455,98422,335omnifocus-bugzillaPlugin for omnifocus gem to provide bugzilla BTS synchronization. The first time this ...
6556,08958,438IMAPCleanseIMAPCleanse removes old, read, unflagged messages from your IMAP mailboxes so you don't...
6657,07632,150minitest-happyAll pride, all the time!
6757,53332,150wilsonWilson is a pure ruby x86 assembler. No, really. Worst Idea Evar. Why "wilson"? I want...
6859,00558,438miniunitmini/test is a completely minimial drop-in replacement for ruby's test/unit. This is me...
6959,11732,150miltonMilton fills out your ADP ezLaborManager timesheet
7061,04932,150rubygems-sing"Sings" a gem's implementation.
7161,93322,335minitest-baconminitest-bacon extends minitest with bacon-like functionality. It should allow you to b...
7267,10613,576graphicsGraphics provides a simple framework to implement games and/or simulations and is desig...
7368,53627,686zenweb-templateSimply provides an example zenweb template website.
7471,88658,438minitest-unorderedAdds a new assertion to minitest for checking the contents of a collection, ignoring el...
7572,98639,491RubyToCruby_to_c translates a static ruby subset to C. Hopefully it works.
7674,31758,438omnifocus-rubyforgePlugin for omnifocus gem to provide rubyforge BTS synchronization.
7780,64227,686rubygems-cleanroomEver want to test something out in a clean rubygems repo? Want your gem list to actuall...
7880,76632,150omnifocus-rtPlugin for omnifocus gem to provide rt BTS synchronization. The first time this runs i...
7982,03258,438change_classLets you set the class of an object. Use at your own risk.
8086,78739,491ZenHacksThis package is not supported in the same sense that my other packages are, but since i...
8188,56539,491flay-persistenceDid you ever want to make your flay results persistent?!? Me neither, but now you can! ...
8292,03639,491minitest-speedminitest-speed adds test hooks to verify the time it takes to run the setup, body, and ...
8397,53132,150minitest-macrubyminitest-macruby provides extensions to minitest for macruby UI testing. It provides a ...
8497,71027,686vlad-merbMerb support for Vlad. Prior to 2.0.0, Vlad included support to make vlad:start and vla...
8598,38058,438rubygems-checkcertGem command to display the certificate of a gem, if any.
86102,20958,438minitest-allowAllows you to provide an exclusion list of allowed failures/errors. Failures and errors...
87104,64832,150ohmygemsI'm tired of the complications that tools like bundler and rvm inject into my system an...
88104,78158,438vlad-perforceVlad plugin providing perforce support. This was previously available in vlad but all e...
89109,45358,438bftsBFTS is a branch of rubicon with the intent of auditing all of rubicon against the late...
90114,19939,491box_layoutAllows you to lay out HTML using ASCII art. Stolen from psykotic's code posted to reddi...
91117,14419,435minitest-trumpNOTE: this project, like that infamous administration, is EOL'd. For when the reality ...
92117,41839,491enterpriseWish you could write your Ruby in XML? Has the fact that Ruby is not "enterprise&...
93119,34839,491yodaSpec yoda will, and spec you shall too.
94119,71639,491InlineFortran== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * Very rudimentary right now. Needs some love. == SYNOPSYS: in...
95125,12127,686gem-stfuA fork of gem-shut-the-fuck-up that provides configurable silencing of post-install-mes...
96134,95158,438minitest-coverageRuby's contemporary test coverage tools all lie, exaggerating coverage through false-po...
97153,88232,150minitest-compareThis is a quick and dirty tool to compare test time deltas between two runs by comparin...
98159,52839,491githubscoregithubscore provides a dashboard overview of the current state of your github issues an...
99175,26127,686github_contribsA simple commandline tool that downloads yearly contribution graphs from github and ass...