1 | 28,718 | 22,851 | acts_as_referred | ActsAsReferred adds ability to AR-descendants to be supplied with a Referee - referrer ... |
2 | 42,301 | 82,167 | rails_will_paginate_seo_helper | adds ability to generate seo link-tags for will_paginate pages |
3 | 45,937 | 28,427 | date_utils | Some handy utils to deal with Date |
4 | 52,306 | 33,615 | DateUtils | Some handy utils to deal with Date |
5 | 58,461 | 82,167 | capistrano-rails-synchronizer | Rails specific Capistrano tasks to synchonize stages |
6 | 70,398 | 82,167 | kblog | Kblog is a very simplistic and lightweight mountable blog-engine for rails
provides sim... |
7 | 99,630 | 82,167 | cache_be_gone | Facilitates sweeping the cache by the click of a button |
8 | 108,568 | 82,167 | sync_stage | dumps and restores postgres database and packs shared/public over to staging server |
9 | 109,334 | 82,167 | bzrwrapper | Wrapper for bazaar-vcs to extract information of bazaar-branches / see: http://bazaar-v... |
10 | 120,727 | 82,167 | unteilbar | a simple cli to parse and transform csv data |