1 | 14,586 | 86,038 | admin_assistant | admin_assistant is a Rails plugin that automates a lot of features typically needed in ... |
2 | 16,706 | 15,080 | lafcadio | Lafcadio is an object-relational mapping layer for Ruby. It lets you treat database row... |
3 | 24,562 | 17,852 | sample_models | A library for making it extremely fast for Rails developers to set up and save ActiveRe... |
4 | 30,902 | 42,025 | event_sourced_record | Event Sourcing with ActiveRecord. |
5 | 32,675 | 22,512 | htmlclipping | HtmlClipping generates excerpts from an HTML page that has a link pointing to a particu... |
6 | 35,744 | 86,038 | fhwang-wisper-mongoid | Subscribe to changes on Mongoid models |
7 | 39,169 | 42,025 | sync_machine | A mini-framework for intelligently publishing complex model changes to an external API. |
8 | 43,446 | 53,556 | mockfs | MockFS is a test-obsessed library for mocking out the entire file system. It provides m... |
9 | 45,496 | 28,793 | json-deep-compare | For quickly finding differences between two large JSON documents. |
10 | 46,646 | 86,038 | migreazy | migreazy helps manage Rails migrations across git branches. |
11 | 46,966 | 86,038 | rhizmail | RhizMail is a test-friendly library for sending out customized emails. This is the libr... |
12 | 55,020 | 86,038 | easyprompt | EasyPrompt is a utility for command-line scripts. It handles prompts and default values... |
13 | 66,109 | 86,038 | englishext | EnglishExtensions contains a few convenience methods for String. |
14 | 69,092 | 86,038 | sync_machine_mongoid | Mongoid adapter for SyncMachine. |
15 | 81,926 | 53,556 | captools | == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * There are only two tasks * +pull_assets+ can help you download... |
16 | 88,114 | 35,920 | json-inference | Given a bunch of JSON documents that are assumed to be similar, collects info about com... |
17 | 109,399 | 86,038 | ar_query | A utility class for building options for ActiveRecord.find. |
18 | 112,484 | 86,038 | contxtlservice | The ContextualService library makes it easy to manage and set services to a single, gl... |
19 | 114,759 | 86,038 | strict_money | Manipulate money and currency with strictness around currencies and time periods. |
20 | 115,187 | 86,038 | durable_hash | Maybe you want something that acts like a hash but is backed by ActiveRecord. |
21 | 115,846 | 86,038 | ar-validations-json | Serializes ActiveRecord validations into JSON for use by rich-client apps. |
22 | 117,974 | 53,556 | queuehash | A QueueHash is an ordered hash: Keys are ordered according to when they were inserted. |
23 | 120,009 | 86,038 | profitably-km | KISSmetrics ruby API gem. Forked from https://github.com/challengepost/km |
24 | 120,040 | 86,038 | fhwang-resque-throttle | resque-throttle is an extension to the resque queue system that restricts the frequency... |
25 | 122,330 | 86,038 | uscommerce | UsCommerce contains a few handy methods for handling business functions specific to the... |
26 | 123,100 | 53,556 | libinject | LibInject is a developer tool for injecting external dependencies into a Ruby file. |
27 | 123,176 | 86,038 | twitterize | Twitterize is a quick and dirty hack I did in a few hours to play with the Twitter API ... |
28 | 123,215 | 53,556 | urirequire | urirequire hijacks Kernel.require to download and eval Ruby code somewhere else on the ... |
29 | 132,538 | 53,556 | sync_machine_generator | Rails generator for SyncMachine. |
30 | 167,440 | 86,038 | sync_machine_active_record | ActiveRecord adapter for SyncMachine. |