Davidkellis's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
131,99711,448opswalrusopswalrus is a tool that runs scripts against a fleet of hosts hosts. It's kind of like...
262,72815,400simstring_pureA Ruby implementation of the SimString approximate string matching algorithm.
369,82363,432treemapA Ruby port of the Android implementation of Java's java.util.TreeMap class. This i...
488,28016,639schedule_jobjob scheduler
5164,36630,305kleenekleene is a library for building regular expression recognition automata - nfas, dfas, ...
6176,68063,432auto_browseauto_browse is a browser driver.
7177,66634,987opstoolkitopstoolkit is a tool that runs scripts against a fleet of hosts hosts. It's kind of lik...