Mwlang's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
116,01115,549gentelella-railsInjects the gentelella theme and javascript files into Rails assets pipeline
228,18461,367sequel_plusProvides plugins and extensions for Sequel
338,88061,367rails_wordpressA Rails Engine that enables you to easily wire up a Rails app to an existing Wordpress ...
439,66061,367flowmor_routerFlowmorRouter allows you to create 'friendly' routes easily from objects stored in the ...
550,94518,157medium-editor-insert-plugin-railsMedium Editor Insert Plugin integrated in Rails asset pipeline
661,97541,086dineroDinero automates the process of logging into banking and financial websites to collect ...
785,75161,367elementalElemental provides enumerated set of elements allowing your code to think symbolically ...
894,13561,367jasonette-railsJbuilder bolt-on to make Jasonette JSON easier to produce
9108,72061,367flowmor_analyticsFlowmorAnalytics makes it easy to include google, clicky, etc. analytic scripts into yo...
10123,42941,086quantitativeQuantitative and statistical tools written for Ruby 3.2+ for trading and finance.
11125,26361,367kucoin-apiImplements Kucoin 2.0 API and Websocket
12132,48861,367social_mediaSocial Media allows publishing to any number of social media services using one common ...
13136,30261,367cobinhoodImplements Cobinhood API
14157,77661,367kramdown-pagesKramdown syntax for embedding Rails app served page links