Jvoegele's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
117,00086,038ActiveRecord-JDBCActiveRecord-JDBC is a database adapter for Rails' ActiveRecord component that can be u...
222,55720,749jruby-ehcacheJRuby interface to the popular Java caching library Ehcache
324,45820,749jruby-ehcache-rails3The Ehcache cache store provider for Rails 3
430,11131,663JRuby-OpenSSLJRuby-OpenSSL is an add-on gem for JRuby that emulates the Ruby OpenSSL native library.
536,30122,512jruby-ehcache-rails2The Ehcache cache store provider for Rails 2
636,67026,609jruby-ldapPort of Ruby/LDAP to JRuby
749,30986,038brassbound-dciBrassbound is a simple but strict implementation of the Data, Context, and Interaction ...
856,27986,038AntBuilderAntBuilder: Use ant from JRuby. Only usable within JRuby
984,36142,025maven_gemMavenGem is a tool, library, and gem plugin to install any Maven-published Java library...
1087,56986,038process_builderSimple object-oriented wrapper around Process.spawn and Open3
1188,33535,920javasandSandbox support for JRuby. Only usable with JRuby
12101,19386,038process-builderDEPRECATED - This gem has been replaced by process_builder
13115,91286,038mongrel_jclusterMongrel plugin that provides commands for managing multiple Mongrel processes in a JVM.